Sunday, July 01, 2007

Happy Canada Day!

Hope everyone's having a great Canada Day! Today's the day we Canadians celebrate all things Canadian. We do this by having fun! Relaxing, having barbeques, drinking strong Canadian beer, fireworks, and taking fun online quizzes to see "how much you really know about Canada". :) There's a huge party and music/entertainment concert in Ottawa, our nation's Capital (televised nationwide), and lots of similar (but smaller) celebrations around the country. It's really one big party!

We gained our independence from Britain peacefully, so we don't have the military/war focus that can sometimes dominate the American celebrations on the fourth of July (except in Newfoundland, where on this day they commemorate heavy losses during the Battle of the Somme). We don't focus so much on gaining our independence, we pretty much just enjoy ourselves and celebrate all the things that Canada has contributed to the world (like good beer, poutine, ketchup chips, and insulin). :)

See Wikipedia's listing on Canada Day for interesting info on our holiday.