Sunday, April 01, 2007

Awesome new chicken glaze recipe!

I just had the most awesome glaze on my chicken tonight! I modified it from the recipe found here, and it totally turned out great! Definitely try this one the next time you're having chicken!

Red Wine Glaze
Serves 4.

1 teaspoon vegetable oil
chicken pieces, enough to serve 4 (4 breasts, or 2 breasts and 4 legs, or 2 breasts and 2 leg/thigh combos - your preference)
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon paprika
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup red wine
salt and pepper to taste

Brown chicken pieces in vegetable oil in a medium skillet, until cooked. Set aside and keep warm.

In bowl, combine garlic, paprika, brown sugar, red wine, and s & p. Pour into skillet, and scrape up browned bits. Stir regularly, reduce until slightly thickened - you want it to still be pourable, not so thick that it becomes a gel.

Plate your chicken, then drizzle glaze artistically over the chicken. :)

So delicious!