On Saturday, August 12th, Dave's mom, her man-friend and I went to Agrifest in beautiful Canning, Nova Scotia. (Dave stayed home with the doggies) :)
We had a fantastic time! The weather was just perfect, sunny with a cool breeze. Agrifest is a celebration of agriculture, with lots of events and seminars given regarding farming, farm-related issues, and home gardening - from customizing your compost for the type of crop you're growing, to an explanation of how a potato becomes a chip (or a crisp, as some call them), to a demo on all that's involved in shearing sheep and preparing wool to be used in clothing! With tons of information for professional farmers and curious members of the public, there really was something for everyone! So, for educational purposes :) here's a photo journal of our trip!

An overview of the fair grounds, with one of two banks of conveniently located portable restroom facilities (good ol'l' "Johnny on the Spot"s). Sometimes events don't have enough restrooms set up for the demand, but I'm pleased to say that Agrifest was well prepared. :) (An important thing when you're miles and miles away from the nearest restaurant or coffee shop with a bathroom!)
We had a fantastic time! The weather was just perfect, sunny with a cool breeze. Agrifest is a celebration of agriculture, with lots of events and seminars given regarding farming, farm-related issues, and home gardening - from customizing your compost for the type of crop you're growing, to an explanation of how a potato becomes a chip (or a crisp, as some call them), to a demo on all that's involved in shearing sheep and preparing wool to be used in clothing! With tons of information for professional farmers and curious members of the public, there really was something for everyone! So, for educational purposes :) here's a photo journal of our trip!
Quick Menu:
[ Overview • Booths • Horses • Moo-cows? • Sheep • Bees • Baby Chicks • Farm Machines • Vegetables • Food/Entertainment • On the way home... ]
[ Overview • Booths • Horses • Moo-cows? • Sheep • Bees • Baby Chicks • Farm Machines • Vegetables • Food/Entertainment • On the way home... ]

An overview of the sample gardens - each row is clearly marked in both official languages (English and Français). There was a great variety of vegetables which were just fascinating to see in their natural form (more on that below).

There were a couple of sets of horses at Agrifest, to give wagon rides around the grounds.

Sheep! These guys 'n' gals were being used in sheep shearing demos throughout the day. You can see the naked little sheep on the left was used in the most recent demonstration. :) They sure have a lot of wool to give - and a good thing too, it was the only thing that kept a lot of northern Europeans alive in the winter for centuries! The little brown girl closest to us was very friendly, and watched us with interest.

The wooly result of the shearing

Cute little ram (note the horns)

The soil and weather in the Valley is a farmer's dream - and these vegetable gardens show why! All the best farm produce in Nova Scotia comes from here.

Broccoli - I had no idea the plants themselves get so BIG!

Eggplant (the little purple vegetable nestled in there)

I am SO jealous of the size of their tomato plants - they're at least twice the size of mine, and are LADEN with fruits!!! And not little fruits either...I'm talking 2-3 inches wide!

Great little rig they have here for their tomatoes, instead of using cages. They have a strong wire suspended high over the top of the plants, and strong cord tied from the bottom of the plant to the wire, and the vines can grow along the cord. I might use this idea next year!

Gorgeous colorful cabbage

Big pumpkins! Reminds me so much of autumn!

Watermelon - mmmm, looks juicy!

Purple Cauliflower - they have several different colors of cauliflower now, including this cute purple, and a cheddar yellow one too!

Kohlrabi - seriously, this stuff already looked like an alien vegetable in the grocery store, but seeing it in it's natural form, I think it looks even crazier!

Purple Kohlrabi - okay, even MORE alien!

Gorgeous Sunflowers, with their bright round faces following the sun.

A field of wheat, the "Staff of Life"

And on the way home, we stopped off and got a dozen of "Newcombe's Famous Sweet Corn". And man, was it awesome!! I cooked one up in the microwave as soon as we got home, and it was so tender and sweet! (Directions for those of you who might be in the area: Take Exit 12 off Highway 101. Follow Middle Dyke Road to Canard Street (H 341). Turn left & travel 2 kms until you see The CornMaster and Newcombe's stand on your right. Note: the CornMaster is an image of a giantfarmerr. :) The directions to the stand are very well marked on the road, you can't miss it.)
And after my corn, I fell into bed because I was so sleepy from all the great fresh air I got - and the rain we had been worrying about getting caught in on the way home finally came, and the sound of the rolling thunder carried me off to sleep...