Monday, July 07, 2008

BeanDreams: Warm Weather Helps!

The catnip and the oregano, thanks to the arrival of warm weather and sunshine, have been growing gangbusters!

Okay, well, maybe the catnip is growing a little too much like gangbusters. I had to uproot some of them to give the oregano some room to breathe and grow. :) Fortunately, I won't need too many catnip plants, they really grow quite large.

I took what I uprooted inside for drying, and I've given some to Baby Boy and Molly, who respond the most to the catnip. It's made for a fun morning - they totally freaked out, rolling around, clawing at the couch. Now, they're exhausted and have passed out. :)

The parsley looked like it was going to really explode with the warm weather - but after their initial burst of growth, they've slowed down again.

And the kohlrabi and bachelor's buttons need SERIOUS thinning out. This is getting crazy! :) I've been peeking down in the pot, but I haven't seen any signs of a "bulb" growing yet. I understand you can eat the leaves, so I think I will! :)

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